GUINOT Concentré Lift Eclat_2 ampoules

$30.00 USD

Concentré Lift Eclat 2 ampoules

Wrinkle Smoother Serum

Use with:

- Crème Vital Anti-Rides for its comforting anti-wrinkle action. - Sérum Longue Vie for a "youth perfusion" administered to the cores of cells.

- Masque Vital Antirides for an instant smoothing and anti-fatigue action.


The dermo triple ball roller allows for in-depth smoothing of the epidermis and surface wrinkles. The densifying effect of the serum's active ingredients on the connective tissue of the dermis enhances an instant solid foundation for tissue.



Move the roller over the facial wrinkles in light circular movements and finish by smoothing over the length of each wrinkle.

2 ampoules 


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